


作者 :Hbu 2021-03-08 11:00:11 审稿人 : admin

  CGTN reporter Tian Wei asked Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi about multilateralism, the role and reform of the United Nations, and China‘s propositions at the annual press conference。 Covering the Two Sessions and following the press conferences attended by Wang for many years, Tian Wei feels that it is her duty as a reporter to ask questions。 And she is so glad that she can represent CGTN, an inclusive, open, and growing international media organization from China.CGTN记者田薇代表中国国际电视台在一年一度记者招待会上提问中国国务委员兼外交部长王毅,“今年是中华人民共和国加入联合国大家庭的第50个年头,而国际社会对联合国改革有很多期待,请问中国有什么看法?”外交部长王毅回答,“这个问题提的非常及时。从联合国恢复中华人民共和国的合法席位的历史时刻开始,中国已经成为联合国维和行动的第二大出资国和常任理事国派出维和人员最多的国家。国际社会确实希望联合国与时俱进,不断改革和完善。我们认为几点必须坚持:坚持联合国宪章的宗旨和原则,坚持联合国在国际体系中的核心地位,坚持联合国平等协商的基本规则。” 田薇说,她感到很荣幸能代表CGTN向王毅提问。多年报道两会,多年关注外交部长记者会,提问是记者的工作和义务。In 2017, Tian Wei had the chance to interview Wang Yi during a media briefing at the 5th Session of the 12th National People’s Congress。 He told Tian Wei: “I watch your program almost every night。 I hope that CGTN can get wide support and achieve faster and better development。“早在2017年两会,田薇就曾得到提问外长的机会。外交部长王毅在回答时对田薇说:“我几乎每天都看你的节目,我希望国际电视台(CGTN)能够得到大家的支持,能够取得更快和更好的发展。”As a journalist reporting China’s Two Sessions for nearly 10 years, Tian Wei has a special mission every year - interviewing delegates to the Two Sessions in English for a column called #田薇跑两会 or Wei in Two Sessions, which aspires to be the link between China and the world。 Every year during China’s political season, Tian Wei speaks to a string of leaders and decision-makers on the issues affecting China and the world today。 She feels this is not only a job, but an honor, the best way to understand China。 She especially likes the Chinese word ”跑running“ because it makes the interviews down-to-earth。 She says, only when you have all your ears and heart, can you really feel the changes around you。作为具有近10年经验的上会记者,田薇每年都有一个特别任务,在#田薇跑两会#专栏中,用英文采访两会代表和委员,搭建起沟通两会和世界的桥梁。每年两会,她都会就热点话题采访数十位海内外有影响力的人物。她觉得,这不仅是一个工作,更是一份荣耀,一个了解中国的最佳切入点。田薇尤其喜欢“跑”这个字,因为它让人必须“脚踏实地”:只有脚步到了,耳朵到了,心到了,才能真正感到周遭的变化。Starting from a radio producer, Tian Wei worked her way to become a Washington correspondent, and covered the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for China Radio International。 She joined CGTN in 2005 and became the network’s leading talk show host。 World Insight with Tian Wei is CGTN’s global affairs talk show, with well-rounded debates on world hot buttons coupled with key exclusive interviews。 As a workaholic, Tian Wei is practically up and running around the clock - reporting the news, sharing opinions, and doing high profile interviews a day and night。田薇曾多年担任中国国际广播电台驻华盛顿记者,出色地完成了对伊拉克战争和阿富汗战争的报道。2005年加入央视英语频道,现在她是CGTN《世界观察》(World Insight with Tian Wei)栏目的主持人。这档日播栏目以环球辩论和高端专访为特色。作为一个“工作成瘾”的新闻人,深夜抢突发、晒观点、嗑专访,田薇像马达一样停不下来。



  Besides her work as an anchor and reporter, Tian Wei has also been hosting live special events and breaking news from all over the world: the UN General Assembly, the World Economic Forum, the G20 summit, the APEC Summit, the Belt & Road Forum, the BRICS Summit, the Climate Change Conference, the Boao Forum for Asia, and many others。除日常的主持与采访工作,田薇还活跃在全球重要峰会、论坛现场,报道国际热点。她连续应邀担任达沃斯世界经济论坛、APEC CEO峰会、中国国际进口博览会、中国高层发展论坛、博鳌亚洲论坛、世界互联网大会等大型国际会议的主持人。


  Tian Wei’s fearless, uncompromising and fair approach has not only made her popular with CGTN audiences but also earned her recognition worldwide。 Over the years, she has done exclusive interviews with some of the most important figures from all walks of life, such as: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton。 She also interviewed women leaders: Melinda Gates, Sheryl Sandberg, Christian Lagarde, as well as Nobel laureates, Oscar Award winners, Olympic champions, avant-garde artists, and outstanding global figures。田薇很执着,从不会轻易被带节奏。凭着她对新闻事实、中国立场和平衡报道的坚守,她采访到大量的学术巨擘、商界领袖、政界风云人物和文艺界红人,其中包括传奇女性领导者希拉里•克林顿、现任和前任联合国秘书长古特雷斯、潘基文,以及欧洲央行行长拉加德等。



  Tian Wei believes “a journalist should never look up, nor look down。 He or she should always look straight into the eyes of the interviewee。” Monitoring global affairs for many years, Tian Wei deeply understands that China is facing unprecedented challenges。 She thinks the world today needs more communication and cooperation。 It is always a hot topic how the world understands the rise of China, and how China can do more on the international stage。田薇强调,作为记者,最终要做到无论工作中的采访对象是谁,“不仰视,不俯视,永远平视。”多年来跟踪全球热点新闻话题,田薇深深地体会到,在外交上,中国面临越来越多的新挑战和新形势。她认为,当今世界需要更多沟通与合作。世界如何去看待和了解中国的崛起,以及中国如何在国际舞台上展现更多的担当,这是非常重要的话题。







